Sunday 30 March 2014

Coconut Oil Hair Treatment

             TIL me and coconut hair mask aren't meant to be.

I have a few litres of coconut oil which I purchased for making homemade sugar scrubs and since I haven't made any scrubs in a while I decided to try something that everyone raves about. A coconut hair mask. The supposed outcome? Nice soft hair.

For me... it was a big fail. I have really thin shoulder length blonde hair that's naturally oily. I also didn't have any shower caps or anything to keep my hair up and out of my face so I was constantly getting grossed out about the feeling of the coconut oil running down my neck and paranoid it was going to drip down my face going into my eye, behind my cornea blinding me (that's Internet for making me aware of that fact).

The instructions state to leave it in for however long you like.. most suggest over night. Mine lasted about 10 minutes before I was in the shower trying to wash the oil out, which took about 4 shampoos to get it out. Afterwards my hair did look good but I don't know if its from all shampooing and conditioning I did.
I would not recommend this to anyone, but it may have been my stupid fault because I used too much coconut oil and when I have oily hair to begin with.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Book - The 100 review

Imagine being a teenager, being sent to Earth after 300 years living on a space station after a nuclear war wiped out the entire population.

This is what Kass Morgan explores in her book called The 100 which was released on the 14 September 2013 and recently made into a TV series in 2014.

After watching the pilot episode, I was left with many unanswered questions so I was quickly on Amazon purchasing the ebook.

Upon finishing the book I realised that the TV show is only loosely very based on the book, if you can judge that after one episode. The TV episode was good and I will enjoy watching it however it reminds me of Siberia meets Lost meets Lords of the Flies.

This is the blurb from

In the future, humans live in city-like spaceships orbiting far above Earth's toxic atmosphere. No one knows when, or even if, the long-abandoned planet will be habitable again. But faced with dwindling resources and a growing populace, government leaders know they must reclaim their homeland... before it's too late.

Now, one hundred juvenile delinquents are being sent on a high-stakes mission to recolonize Earth. After a brutal crash landing, the teens arrive on a savagely beautiful planet they've only seen from space. Confronting the dangers of this rugged new world, they struggle to form a tentative community. But they're haunted by their past and uncertain about the future. To survive, they must learn to trust - and even love - again

Without wanting to give too many spoilers out I will keep this brief. The  book is written in 4 points of view:

  • Glass  -       An upper class girl who manages to escaped  going to earth. 
  •  Bellamy  - stowaways so he can keep an eye out on his sister
  •  Wells  -    The Chancellors son who commits a heinous crime so he could go to earth to keep the girl                  he loves safe and;
  • Clarkes  - The object of Wells affection - however she can not forgive Wells for a big betrayal.

I am a fan of  the way Kass Morgan breaks it down into 4 points of views and then into flashbacks which allows you connect to the characters more as it explains how they ended up on earth and the interactions between the 4 characters and the remainder of  'the 100'.

I really enjoyed Kass Morgan's style of writing and it made reading the book in a few hours very easy.  The target audience is young adults but I feel if you are after something light and easy to read this book is for you.

The only negative in this book is that it was left on a cliffhanger - and as someone who read the book to get answers I was disappointed. The next book in The Hundred series will be released in September 2014.

If you know of any good books, please comment below.

Sunday 23 March 2014

The Body Shop Deep Sleep Dreamy Pillow & Body Mist Review

After waking up with aches and pains from sleeping incorrectly I thought it would be a perfect time to review a product that I absolutely love and swear by - The Body Shop Deep Sleep Dreamy Pillow and Body Mist Review.

What the website states

A quick-drying mist to encourage restful sleep. With special encapsulation technology that allows bursts of active fragrance to be released at night to aid more satisfying sleep. 

  • For body or bedlinen 
  • Soothing 
My thoughts 

When I have difficulties switching of my mind after a long day, a quick spray of this on my pillow and chest works wonders. With fragrance notes of citrus and jojoba it clears my mind in no time i'm fast asleep living up to the claims of the deep sleep as I wake up feeling like I have had the best night sleep ever. I think however if you have serious sleeping issues (sleeping tablets wont work etc) then this product probably isn't for you unless you like just like having your pillow smelling nice when you go to bed. 

This product is also on the expensive side here in Australia with it being $29.95 for 100ml. 

Would I repurchase this? Yes. Even with the price of this product I think it is well worth it for a good night sleep. 

Where to buy: The Body Shop in store or online at

Thursday 20 March 2014


If you are reading this I would like to officially welcome  you to Bea's Lifestyle Blog where I will be blogging about all matters of my life including reviews, recipes, hot products etc. To kick off this blog I thought I would start off with a few getting to know me questions.

1. Name:  Teegan
2. Age:     28
3. Where do you live:  Western Australia

4. Where did you get your blog name from:  My cat or the Queen of the Netherlands. In 2009 when I adopted my cat, I searched high and low seeking a name that would suit the pretty girl I was adopting when I stumbled across a news article that the Queen Beatrix was in a car accident and given my Dutch heritage I was immediately in love, however over the years we have nicknamed her B (maybe at the time I was watching too much gossip girl) and as I stated above this will be a blog about all the things I enjoy in life.  

Here is a picture of the little terror with the scratching post she has destroyed (Probably while thinking of the torturous things we put her through... constant cuddles, leaving her alone at home for a few hours, laughing when she falls off things, constantly coo-ing over her and the amount of pictures we take of her). It must be a hard life being a cat with owners who finds everything she does "sooooooooooooo cute" (Yes I am ashamed to say I am one of those pet owners.)

5. Why did you start to blog: A lot of free time! Plus over the years I have learnt that before buying things - do research before you waste your hard earned cash and would like to help people before they make the same mistakes (or joy) I do. 

6. Current Favourite Hobby: At the moment I am learning to knit after I saw a campaign about knitting little jackets for penguins. 

7. Current Favourite Beauty Product:  My Olay regenerist cleaning system . This is a cheaper version of the clarisonic is absolutely fantastic and makes my skin feel brand new. However I am not using the Olay Skin perfecter cleanser that came with the device but The Body Shop passionfruit cleanser. 

8. Current favourite food/recipe:  Chilli Con Queso aka cheese dip - Brilliant with White Corn Chips and Crudites.  A good recipe is at this link .

9. Current favourite purchase:  Target Australia have recently stocked the NYX line and as I am not aware of anywhere else it is currently stocked when I found out it was in stock I was there in a flash buying a set of jumbo eyeshadow pencils (I only really wanted milk however they had sold out of milk so I brought the set of 6) and Lost in Rio. I cannot wait to play with these products more to see if they live up to the hype that's over the internet. 

If  you are reading this, please leave your current favourites in a comment below. 

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