Sunday 30 March 2014

Coconut Oil Hair Treatment

             TIL me and coconut hair mask aren't meant to be.

I have a few litres of coconut oil which I purchased for making homemade sugar scrubs and since I haven't made any scrubs in a while I decided to try something that everyone raves about. A coconut hair mask. The supposed outcome? Nice soft hair.

For me... it was a big fail. I have really thin shoulder length blonde hair that's naturally oily. I also didn't have any shower caps or anything to keep my hair up and out of my face so I was constantly getting grossed out about the feeling of the coconut oil running down my neck and paranoid it was going to drip down my face going into my eye, behind my cornea blinding me (that's Internet for making me aware of that fact).

The instructions state to leave it in for however long you like.. most suggest over night. Mine lasted about 10 minutes before I was in the shower trying to wash the oil out, which took about 4 shampoos to get it out. Afterwards my hair did look good but I don't know if its from all shampooing and conditioning I did.
I would not recommend this to anyone, but it may have been my stupid fault because I used too much coconut oil and when I have oily hair to begin with.

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