Friday 4 April 2014

Lust Have it March 2014

On Tuesday I received my Lust Have It for March - two days into April.... being from Western Australia I normally get my box after everyone on the East Coast, but this month there seemed to be an issue with Australia Post and I received my box before some people! 

Anyway onto what I received in the box - Well actually this month didn't come in a box.. it just came in a little envelope with the contents wrapped in bubble wrap and sticky tape while Lust Have It sort out their new packaging. I actually preferred how they shipped it this month as with 2 people living in a 1 bedroom apartment  we don't have a lot of room for unnecessary things, so I hate to say this but half those boxes end up in the bin or my cat tries to sit in them causing them to break (even if she doesn't fit she sits), so for me I feel less guilty as the bubble wrap isn't a collectable box. So anyway back to what I received in the March box.

1. Klara Kissproof Lips in 04 1.2ml  -  A pretty, pigmented bright pink lip gloss - this might be a bit to bright for me with my fair skin however I will use it on special occasions. I have applied it once and a little bit goes a long way however it felt kinda drying after a while. We will see if it does it again next time.   

2. Human Treated lip balm - Never heard of this brand before but I'm excited to try this as it is vegan and not tested on animals... Only humans.

3. Bloom concealer kit - Im not sold on the packaging, which you slide down the backing. The backing has tips on how to use the concealer.  Now I don't wear make up that often so the tips on the back is very helpful. The colours are Yellow, Green, Illuminiser. Light Shade and Dark shade. I have tested this on my skin and seems to be nice and creamy unlike some other brands, so i can wait to experiment with this. 

4. Aveda  Intensive hydrating masque - not too sure why I received two of these, I don't know if this was just a human error or if i was one of the lucky ones that won the lucky dip but either way I can't complain. I hear good things about the Aveda so again I cannot wait to try this. 

5.  Orly - I really like the Orly brand. My nail polish is in the colour Velvet Rope. Its a pretty glitter purple and is pretty opaque after 2 uses The downside to this product is that I already have too many nail polish so I don't really need to add anymore.

6. Recoverlyte (Available at The Chemist Warehouse) 'Advanced recovery after a late night out' - Just mix one sachet with 250ml for an instant boost. Eh not too fussed about this either way but I will try it.. eventually. 

My final thoughts on the box? I always look forward to receiving my monthly boxes as it is a welcome present for myself  as I am on a tight budget. This box had all things I have never tried or heard of before but have never tried. So overall I'm actually pretty happy with this box! 

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